Sunday 26 August 2012

Starting Something New...

So it appears that I'm starting a blog. I guess I'm doing this because I feel too often that I don't always have the opportunity or the courage to say what I want to at the moment, or express my voice. And I'm tired of it. I'm tired of being stifled by the world and the people around me. I have something to say, I have a point of view, an opinion, stories to tell--and sometimes I want to share it. But I have this deep-seeded, immovable feeling deep inside me that tells me that nobody cares what I have to say, that my thoughts are entirely without merit or that the people I am speaking to will find what I say uninteresting or dull. And this has, for so long, prevented me from saying much of anything. I keep to myself and I don't believe that this is entirely because I'm shy of people, but that, behind it all, I'm scared of people's opinions of me. I've never thought very highly of myself. But at this moment, I'm tired of not speaking. And it doesn't matter to me whether or not people listen. At least I'm saying something. And its not that what I'm thinking has some profound impact on the future of society, just that I want to say it. So I'm Megan. I'm 17 years old. I'm heading off to college in about 6 days. And this, my friends, will be a record of my adventures.