Thursday 13 September 2012

Romney Rant
I'm going to get this out right away so that's no confusion. I am LDS, which in modern language means that I am Mormon. As is presidential candidate Gov. Mitt Romney. I do not have a political affiliation but I take great interest in what both parties have to say and I care a great deal about the future of my country and the hands in which we place that future. I'd like to talk about Romney. He seems like a phenomenal man, a great leader, father, etc. I can't say for sure but I'm guessing from what I've seen. And yes, I do rather like the idea of having an LDS president. BUT THAT DOES NOT GOVERN MY VOTE!! I'm sorry, but I do not think, by any means, that one should vote for someone for their religion, because, truthfully, that's like voting for someone because they have a wonderful smile or sense of style. It looks nice, and it makes us happy to see him, but in what politically backwards universe does that make someone a good candidate to govern one of the most powerful countries in existence? I can understand if people decided to vote for him because they agreed with his policy, or his ideas for reforming a crippled country, but if you listen to all of his interviews and speeches, he doesn't give any indication of what those are. It sounds nice though, when he says it. It sounds like he knows what he's talking about, but he's not giving us a plan. Now I've been paying more attention to political chatter and listening to speeches and things like that recently because, even though I can't vote in this election, it matters to me who lives in the White House. And what I have observed is this: since the election of President Barack Obama, the Republican Party has acted like a group of bratty children. They didn't win, and therefore they are going to sit back and disagree with everything that comes before them just to spite the man who beat their guy. And when things didn't automatically fix themselves, they set about pointing fingers at the president, yelling as loudly as possible to all that will hear that the president didn't keep his promises. But look at it this way, the Republicans put an incompetent child in office, who destroyed the economy and started a costly war. By the time Bush left office, the US was a mess that was left for the next sucker who came into office to fix. It happened to be Obama and he had plans to clean it up. BUT HE COULD NOT DO IT ON HIS OWN! He needed help and cooperation, not just from his party but from the Republicans as well. But no, they sat back as he fumbled around trying to fix things while they turned down every bill and reform that he put on the table, even if the logic was sound and the solution one that could help American workers. Like I mentioned before, a group of bratty children, sore losers, who pouted for four years until they again had the chance to fight for the House again. And I don't think they're doing that great of a job. "Our campaign will not be dictated by fact-checkers." ......... And that is blatantly obvious, now isn't it? In their speeches, they have leveled offences against the president that hold no ground in fact. Now that's a campaign strategy that I've never heard before. And I really don't know how this campaign is going to go. I have relatives who are very vocal about their political beliefs in favor of Obama, and many friends (LDS friends, I might add) who are in the hole for Romney. I guess what I'm trying to say here is, firstly, don't vote for a man because you share his religion and because you think it would be amazing to have an LDS president. I personally think it would be cool too, and I even asked myself what would be so bad if he did take office. And then I started to listen to what he had to say. And it was an elegantly woven, eloquently stated PIECE OF CRAP. And secondly, don't dismiss a man who took office after a disaster took place on his soon-to-be doorstep and blame him for not cleaning up the Republicans mess fast enough. Give him another chance. You have no idea what obstacles he faced but you do know one thing, one thing that you really can't in good conscience deny, he tried. Look harder at what these politicians are saying, because this isn't just about who gets to move into the White House, its about our futures.  

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Just Bundles of Paper.....

Or are they? These large bound piles of slaughtered trees and meaningless rantings by a guy/girl whom I will never meet is what is going to consume most of my waking hours over the course of the next 8 months. Seem like a waste of time? Experts say not, so I guess I'm diving right in. I have no objection to learning, I actually quite like it. I like understanding interesting topics, and being able to use them. I've always liked school. But I have two main problems with this pile of stuff sitting on my beautiful comforter in the above picture. To begin, I AM A VERY LAZY PERSON. Yes, I know, its a shock. But I really am. If this were my ideal world, it would go something like this. I could sit down on the couch and watch TV, eating whatever I wanted, not gaining any weight and having someone I cared about sitting right there with me. Yeah, I love going out and walking, hiking, and having adventures. But yet again, I am really lazy, so the first one is my default. And secondly, and probably more importantly, I am absolutely terrified. I have always set a specific standard of excellence for myself. I don't hold anyone else to it, only myself, nor do I judge others who do not hold the same ideal. But if I fall short of it, then it torments me. That may seem like a strong word, but believe me when I say that it really isn't. I'm scared of not meeting that, because I would be letting myself down. I'm scared because I'm entering a whole new world of education, and new worlds means new rules. AND I'm dishing out some serious cash to make this happen. Is it worth it? I know the answer is yes, but you can't help but wonder. This is a very scary time in my life and I don't even have anyone around to just run to if I want a hug. I left that all behind me. So I know I just have suck it up, and grow up. But I'm still just a kid. I have a lot of growing up to do, a lot of mistakes to make, and a serious period of strengthening to go through. I've been praying so much lately. I feel so alone and so (I know I'm saying this quite a bit) scared. ANYWAY! All this after a picture of books, MAN I'm a basket case. :P

Friday 7 September 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen, I Now Present to You, a College Student!

First day outfit!! 

So I started university this week!! I know, its crazy. How the heck did I get this far? How did I get so old? But I actually love it. And its not really all about the social scene, but I actually like class. And I realize that I'm a complete nerd, but that's okay. I know I'm not alone ;). Hahaha. But anyway! I'm taking Biology, Chemistry, Calculus, Latin, and Development of Western Thought. Its an absolutely insane schedule. Most days I have 4 lectures, one right after the other, and either a tutorial or lab later that day. I'm going to be so crazily busy, but I love being busy. As for living on my own....I miss home like crazy and my family so much! But I like controlling my day and managing my time the way I want to. I'm adjusting to it quite easily. 

This is my lovely desk, and on it, I'd like to introduce RORY!! Yeah, that's my oh-so-beautiful laptop. He's gorgeous, ain't he? And yes, I did name him after a Doctor Who character. But that's just because my life revolves around Doctor Who. Well, not really. But kinda ;). But he's my baby. 
And this, of course is my room!! Its not all that preppy and pretty, but I've never been that kind of girl. Its all quite functional and I like it. And one thing you'll also notice is the LACK OF ROOMMATE! I know, its wonderful. I can sleep when I want and its all to myself. Thanks again, to Dr.Currie, for giving me a scholarship :P. But yeah! I'm a college student now. There's no going back. My life has completely changed and I'm really still trying to adjust to it. Its so different and I've never been one to like "different". But I think I'm going to like it here, even if I avoid the avid partying and stuff like that. So here's to my new life, my new adventure. May it be wonderful and full of pleasant surprises! And same to all of you....the two of you that probably read my blog.....haha.